Saturday, May 06, 2006

For Women Only

I am by nature a very skeptical person, so when I walk into Barnes and Noble there are a lot of books I will spend little time considering reading. For Women Only is just one of those books. It's another one of those "I have the answer about your husband. It doesn't matter who he is; I'm sure I have the corner on all men in the world" kind of books. Or so I thought. I never would have read it, but one of my friends suggested it so I agreed to give it a try.

It turns out that the author, Shaunti Feldhahn, is making some generalizations, but she is good to express her reasons and share the outcome of her surveys so the reader can be the judge. Basically what she did was survey hundreds of men from all walks of life and tried to ask pertinent questions. This left her with a few interesting discoveries about the way men think and feel.

I felt like the book did have a lot of challenging ideas. And even though every guy is different, there are some things that are in common with most. I guess after reading the book, I thought even if there are just a few ways that I can be a better help to Rob, it is worth it. And I would challenge any wife to consider at least looking over the book and considering a few things Shaunti says. She comes from a Christian mindset and really has a heart to love her husband and help other wives to do so as well.

Maybe in the future I won't be quite so hasty as I take my walk through Barnes and Noble.


juliechall said...

Nice, Phil. That wasn't exactly the first comment I expected to get!

Tracy said...

Thank you for your insight on the book. I had read a book review on it, but like you had decided it was one of those books I would never read. Now I'll put it on my list of books to read.