Sunday, October 19, 2008

Life is a Vapor

I usually do not post on very serious subjects, but a happening of this weekend has really caused me to think. I hope this is a challenge and help to any readers. I teach piano part time and yesterday, one of my students' parents, mom of John and Sara (7 and 8 years old) sent out a mass email to let everyone know that her husband had a form of a brain hemorrhage and that is was not likely that he would make it through the weekend. I just read another email to say that he had passed away today at 44 years old. I remember many times briefly conversing with him as he would bring the kids for the lessons. He was a very sweet man and it's hard to believe that he is just gone. I am reminded of a few things:
*Never take life for granted - each day is a gift and we must embrace every opportunity we have

*I must be all the more diligent to share Christ with everyone I can at every opportunity - please pray for opportunities with this now single mom.

*God is sovereign and good and I'm so thankful for that comforting truth

I hope this is an encouragement and that we revel in the time God gives us to serve Him alone.


Laura D said...

Wow! Thanks for the reminder. We will be praying for the family and for you as you endevor to show them Christ.

juliechall said...

Thanks Laura - I would really love to see the Lord work through this circumstance.

Kristin said...

Thanks for the reminder; we get so busy in our daily lives and forget. Praying for you and this family!

Karis said...

As I sit here and dread the thought of another night of French study, I was reading a few blogs and came across yours in Google Reader. It was just what I needed -- a reminder of why I need to be able to communicate in French.

kellyH said...

I am so sad for that family, I hope you do have some opportunities to be a comfort through Christ to those kids. good reminder.

jeileenbaylor said...

So true - what a good reminder