Sunday, April 26, 2009

The funny thing about being pregnant...

As I near the "8 weeks are left" mark, I just keep chuckling about what a funny experience it is to be pregnant, like...

*Having the world constantly feel like they have this instant connection with you. Never do people just randomly walk up to you and ask questions, except when you're pregnant. How weird!

*Using my husband as a defense against weird men touching my belly

*Having my students say the funniest things...pregnancy is such a mystery to them :)

~"When's it coming out?"

~"How did it get in there?"...awkward

~"Why is your belly so big?" - to which I responded - "there's a baby in there" - they said "did you eat it?"....well, no....

*Going back to all elastic pants and slip on shoes - it reminds me of being a kid again...everything needs to be as easy as possible!

*Eating like there is no tomorrow and everyone congratulating you for it.

Even with all this, I still can't believe it every time Brynne moves - it's the most incredible miracle and I can't wait to meet our sweet baby girl!


Kristin said...

Wow. I can't believe you only have 8 weeks left; it goes so quickly! You look incredible!!! I can't wait to meet little Brynne. :)

kellyH said...

all those things are soooo true. pregnancy is the craziest thing ever!! hope these last weeks don't drag out too long!

Reads said...

Get used to having strangers finding a connection with you. Often we have people come up to us and ask us about our children. I really can't stand when they touch Maddy's head! I'm sure sleeping is uncomfortable now, but try to sleep while you can!! Can't wait to see pictures of your little girl! Flip flops are great for swollen feet!

JordanandSue said...

I can't wait to meet her, either! I'm with you on the elastic thing. That's just funny... -Sue :)

sara said...

What a cute pic of you guys!!!

Funny preggo stories :)

Tim, Kristen , Megan, Emily, and Anna said...

Oh the funny things that happen and you do when you are pregnant! You are getting closer! you will soon be holding your little girl in your arms!

jeileenbaylor said...

students just say the most hilarious things - i love it!

AnneB said...

I agree with the "Reads". The whole connection thing is just beginning...However, the elastic will come to an end!