Friday, February 26, 2010

My Sweeties

I love this little outfit that someone made for Brynnie
More adventures with rubber ducky

Reading at bedtime

Brynne is officially 8 months this weekend. God reminds me all that time to enjoy and appreciate her as a special gift from Him and not to take this time for granted. It's easy to wish the time away when things are inconvenient or difficult, but at the same time crazy to think how fast time goes. I just put all her 0-6 month clothes away, and I can't believe she was that little at one time! Any thoughts on enjoying and appreciating every day...parent or not?


S said...

cute pics! i hope we can meet brynne someday!

after going through my recent miscarriage it has magnified to me the importance of enjoying each day God gives with our children...for me that especially is tested when they want to read books and I'm 'busy' or want to help cook in the kitchen which will end up in a bigger mess. God has shown me how much i say 'no' to my kids just being selfish & for not a good reason. i feel like i'm continually trying to pray for wisdom in knowing what good things to put aside for what is best.

kellyH said...

I probably have at least one person a week, if not more, tell me to enjoy these days because they are gone so fast. while that sometimes gets annoying, :) it does help me not forget! anytime I am experiencing a "yucky moment" I try to bring to mind many of the sweet, wonderful moments that I get to experience every day. because really, for every bad experience, there are at least 10 or more great experiences!

juliechall said...

Thanks Shannon and Kelly for those thoughts...I really need to be better about remembering the importance of the moment!