Well my sweetie is officially two years old. I think almost daily of what an incredible gift she is from God. There are many ups and downs in child-raising, but I cannot imagine my life without her. I am often reminded that God gives us His gifts to bring our attention to Him as a good Giver. I pray that my heart does not become so full of my sweet daughter that I forget to worship my God first and foremost. I find that I revel is so many of His gifts to me as His child that I regularly need to be reminded to enjoy Him most, not just His gifts.
Anyways, we had a sweet day. Brynne is in love with Elmo right now, and our friends Kristen and Sue put together the perfect cupcakes! We had a little party with our Wednesday Small Group. It was so fun. If you get a chance, check out the video on my facebook page. Brynne was hilarious to watch as she blew out her candles.
One tradition I want to have for every birthday is her birthday plate. This plate was given to Brynne when she was born by Rob's extended family. She enjoyed having me read the notes from each person (over and over).
*I always say "be right back" when leaving the room. Lately when I'm hanging with Brynne and she wants some alone time she will say to me "right back, Mommy?"...which means can you go ahead and leave for a little bit
*Brynne is totally OCD. Blame Rob for that definitely. Either way, if a door is open, a drawer askew, feet dirty, a speck of dirt on the floor - you name it - it must be taken care of. Immediately. Lately when she takes her shoes off she will ask for a wipe and then proceed to clean her feet. Okay, the clean freak part of her is probably from me.
*She still says "hold you mommy" if she wants me to pick her up. I love that.
*Brynne loves her crib. We are hoping to transition to a toddler bed soon. But it cracks me up that she will often ask for "cribby play time". This is something I made up when I needed to get something done and for her not to get into anything. I think I brainwashed her into thinking that being in her crib was actually fun.
*One thing I am not giggling about is potty training, however I know this trial will pass eventually :)