Well, my sister-in-law sweetly tagged me to share these eight facts. I hope you find them amusing.....
1. I love going to Sam's Club - what it is, I'm not sure - but it is definitely my most enjoyable grocery shopping experience - maybe it's all those good taste-testing options!
2. I'm waitressing part-time at IHOP this summer. It's crazy - I have never waitressed before, and it has been an extremely unique experience.
3. I'm really bad at gardening - I feel like I'm a pretty creative person in most areas, but I feel like I totally missed out when they were passing out green thumbs. I'm trying to improve, but find that this is a very complexing area of owning a home.
4. Bored yet????? One of my favorite things in the world is ice cream. I could eat it almost any day of the year.
5. Once I fell out of a tree at my friends house and got a concussion - but just over night. I was wearing those big bobble hair things - eighty's girls will know what I'm talking about - I hit my head on those!!!
6. I love to wear sandals, especially flip-flops. I wish I could wear them year-round.
7. I can't ever talk on the phone without doing something else. I'm always trying to get a project done, drive, clean, etc.....instead of just listening. I think it's because I love to multi-task, but my mom, for one, always gets mad at me for doing this...................
8. Whew, I made it. Last of all, I lived in Africa for a month the year I graduated from college. It was one of the best experiences of my life.
Well, let me know if you relate to any of my facts!